You don't have to have a degree to feel the sting of student loans. For many all across America, this is a painful reality. During the long hot Summer months of 2001, I was contemplating on how it didn't seem to be the best year for attending college, even though it was the most important thing I longed for. My future was at stake since I grew up with a keen sense of career drive for stability. September 11th changed everything for me, my world and my life; the world as a whole was changed at the blink of an eye. Looking back, I realize now that an education priceless. Student debt can happen in a flash. Recovery is a process that takes time, effort and the ability to desire the change necessary for future growth. If you have been hit with past turbulence or have been in a financial struggle and owe student loans, there is a place that can help ease your troubles. Don't let your past haunt your future. Get help now!